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Own Your Mission

Advisors are people who invest in your business because they see value in what you’re doing. Instead of investing with money, they’re doing it through their time, guidance and networks. Show them the value. You’re not creating another company. You’re creating a mission that people find exciting and inspiring. There will be times when you […]

Are You Making This Mistake? You Have a Company, Now You Want an Advisory Board

Find your Yodas before you build your company. That’s the piece of advice that entrepreneurs offer about advisory boards that surprises me the most.  To find your Yodas, you need to be clear about who you’re looking for and how they will further your vision, and you need to meet them where they are. While […]

Use Community to Build Your Social Enterprise (Why Stealth Mode is For Suckers)

Arm yourself.  Surrounding yourself with other social entrepreneurs is the next best thing to learning-from-doing.  A community of people with similar goals adds to your knowledge bank, provides feedback, offers shortcuts, referrals and product discounts, and pushes you forward. When Jill wanted to implement an IRA program for the employees who ran her coffee shop, […]

Mission Statements for Social Entrepreneurs (From Other Social Entrepreneurs)

You can read articles and books on how to write your mission statement, but not here.  This is a collection of  ideas that worked for other social entrepreneurs and what they would do differently next time.  It’s what they wished they’d had when defining their mission. Most mission statements sound like a sixth-grader’s attempt to […]

Figuring Out the “Enterprise” in Your Social Enterprise (Because A Mission Is Not Enough)

Now that you understand how your business will benefit from having a social mission, think about what value your business can provide others.  It’s not enough to build a business on your social passions and values alone; your business must also meet a demand in the marketplace.  Jeffrey Hollender of Seventh Generation suggests asking yourself: […]