Gen Y Works (and Shops) for Cause

Those in their mid-20s and younger–Generation Y–form a consumer and employee block of socially conscious individuals.  As this demographic continues to mature, enter the workplace and exercise buying power, it does so with a mind toward making a difference in our world.

Businesses, whether seeking consumers or employees, can no longer afford to shirk the issues that motivate this generation. Doing so would be akin to selling Tupperware door-to-door in the Internet age.

Here’s more about “The most socially conscious consumers to date:” (Cone Inc. and AMP Insight)

  • Education, the environment, poverty and health are the dominating concerns
  • 61% (ages 13-25) feels personally responsible for making a difference in the world
  • 69% consider a company’s social and environmental commitment when deciding where to shop
  • 83% will trust a company more if it is socially/environmentally responsible
  • Of the 28% who are employed full time, 79% say they want to work for a company that cares how it affects society

In 2005 The Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA analyzed responses from 263,710 incoming freshmen at 385 colleges nationwide and found an intensifying desire to do good.

  • 66% believe it’s very important to help others in need
  • Social and civic engagement among was at the highest level in 25 years

Individuals in this group are now in their 20s, looking toward the end of college and hunting for companies and organizations that support their eagerness to give back.


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