If you measure progress, you can improve it. But how exactly do you measure the growth of something as elusive as impact? That’s what AngelPoints, Andy Mercy’s company, does well, which is why I invited him to do a Cause Capitalism interview. Andy founded AngelPoints after stumbling into a volunteer experience at work and being underwhelmed […]
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How will what you want me to do change my life?
Are you letting me know why I should make a donation, sign a petition, cast a vote or buy what you’re selling? It’s an obvious statement, but one that’s not always executed on, despite perception. Kiva.org has faciliated more than $100 million in loans in a few short years. Really outstanding, except it could be […]

Are You Leaking Impact By Missing What’s In front of You?
Are you missing the information in front of you? It’s difficult to see the flaws or weaknesses in products or landing pages that we look at every day. It’s the curse of knowledge tag-teaming us with the curse of familiarity. But if we don’t unglue ourselves from our expectations and think critically and creatively, it […]