Brands with a Conscience

The Medinge Group, an international business and branding firm, selected seven brands this year Tonywikkel_2that have that have grown financially in the course of improving our culture through sustainable and socially responsible behavior. Brands were judged on “Principles of humanity and ethics” and the levels of risks they took on behalf of their beliefs.

I’ve included the industry and country of origin for each brand.

  1. Aveda, body & hair care, U.S.
  2. Chocolonely, chocolate, Netherlands
  3. Hennes & Mauritz, clothing, Sweden
  4. Happy Computers, IT training, UK
  5. International Watch Co., timepieces, Switzerland
  6. Pret a Manger, healthy, prepared food, UK
  7. Anita Roddick, fair trade, environment & free speech advocacy, UK

Click to view company profiles and the 2007 awardees.


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