I want to shift the focus a bit to “greening” a company. I’m attending a conference next week on how going green affects the bottom line because I feel that environmental awareness in business and consumerism is just ahead of the curve of cause capitalism. What can we learn from the green movement?
What practices which improve the environmental footprint of a company can be modified to boost its social impact, and how can these practices bolster the bottom-line?
I’m looking to come away with answers to both of these questions and am eager to speak with panelists about how their companies overcame initial barriers to implementing environmentally sound practices.
Meanwhile, here’s a pretty slick anecdote on what going green did for Toyota Motor Corp.
The Los Angeles AeA Council is hosting the conference the evening of March 20 on UCLA’s Anderson Campus. Panelists include representatives from Intel (crowned #1 of the “100 Best Corporate Citizens” of 2008 by CRO Magazine), Qualcomm, the Rainforest Action Network and the Climate Registry.
As a company launching high tech products into the southern Cal market. We are very much looking forward to incorporating these ideas into early stage companies.