This piece was originally written for and published on Reach Students. If 94% of Millennials condone cause marketing why do only 53% report buying a product that benefits a cause in the past year? The first finding is compelling, the second certainly is not, particularly given that in many stores you’d have to struggle not to buy […]
My RockCorps Experience
I’ve written before about the Boost Mobile RockCorps (BMRC) program: volunteer for four hours on a project led by a local nonprofit and earn tickets to an exclusive, A-list concert. Two days ago, I drove to Hollywood for my four hours of work. I chose My Friend’s Place, a drop-in center for homeless youth in […]
Upcoming Interview with RockCorps Founder
I’ll be speaking with RockCorps Founder Stephen Greene on Monday. RockCorps produces concerts for which the only way in is to volunteer for 4 hours with one of their nonprofit partners. I wrote about their nationwide collaboration with Boost Mobile here. Ping me by Monday, 12 pm PST to submit a question. olivia(at) You can’t […]

Boost Mobile Cultivates a Generation of Activists
I think Boost Mobile’s approach to social change is ingenious, evidencing that vehicles of change come in infinite models and need not mandate product matches or the banality of donating 5% of revenue. Boost Mobile partnered with RockCorps to give teenagers (Boost’s target consumer) concert tickets in exchange for volunteering in their neighborhoods at large. […]