This point is often overlooked. Your do-gooding and good deeding aren’t a substitute for marketing. Customers can’t love you for what you do if they don’t know you. At this point you might be thinking: But Wait! One of the benefits of a social mission is the visibility it brings to my company. I’ve even […]
Tag Archives: World of Good

What I Learned from Building
For less than $300 dollars and in under two weeks I launched an awareness campaign, powered through Twitter, to encourage people to choose gifts that have a social or environmental benefit. This is story of what what worked, what didn’t and why I set up virtual shop at Near the end of November I […]

You’re Shopping Anyway–How to Make Your Purchase Count 3 Times
What a difference 10% makes when it’s extracted from $460 billion. The latter figure is what Americans spent on holiday shopping last year despite a rapidly eroding economy and forewarned doldrums ahead. It’s been said before, but it’s worth another step to the soapbox: What if we choose to buy only merchandise that has a social […]