It requires a double-take. The buy-one-give-one practice now includes houses. California eco-design firm LJ Urban constructed an eco community of 35 LEED ND Certified homes in an urban pocket of Sacramento. It’s aptly named Good. For every house sold, LJ Urban pays for the training of a local mason to build sustainable domiciles in Burkina […]

You Don’t Have to be a Big Company to Give Back
The NOW Project, a Los Angeles-based jewelry and apparel company, practices a different breed of “Buy-One-Give-One.” Through Yoga NOW, for every NOW jewelry product purchased, the company is donating one yoga class to an at-risk child. Initially, the founders had planned to give away 50% of profits to select causes. But rather than wait until […]

Reward Yourself (and Your Business will Profit)
Make it into a contest or promised prize. Everybody loves a goal. Companies know this as incentivizing, employees as a performance-based financial reward, and Burt’s Bees as the only way of doing business. Burt’s Bees, a manufacturer of natural beauty products, believes that if companies are socially responsible, they will attract profit. Burt’s Bees gets […]

The BOGO Business
There’s a slow sprouting of Buy-One-Give-One businesses, where, for every product a consumer purchases, an identical product is donated to a person in need. We have Nick Negroponte’s One Laptop Per Child, TOMS Shoes and, my latest discovery, the BOGO Light by SunNight Solar. The BOGO Light generates clean LED light from rechargeable solar-powered batteries. […]

Can Corporations Replace Philanthropies?
Will philanthropy be displaced by business? Marc Benioff, of and Compassionate Capitalism, wrote a great piece on how to bridge the disconnect between corporate profits and cause. He argues that socially responsibly initiatives are created in isolation from the corporate mission. An ‘integrated corporation’ creates value in its local community or global network as […]

Timberland Attaches “Nutritional Label”
The Timberland Co.’s nutritional label, found on shoe and boot packaging, reports on the brand’s social and environmental impact. The label-displayed on 30 million shoe boxes a year-provides information on where the footwear was made, how much energy was consumed to produce it and how much renewable energy Timberland uses. Inside the boxes are inserts, […]