On his last day of work with Scholastic Entertainment Deron Triff goes to lunch with some colleagues. In the restaurant is a man showing pictures on his Mac of his work with Mercy Ships to provide healthcare to the chronically poor. The man is Scott Harrison who goes on to start charity: water and serves […]

Foursquare and CauseWorld Lead to Better Cause Marketing–with Joe Waters
It’s a no-brainer to decide to run a cause marketing program. There’s ample evidence that (1) consumers choose products aligned with a cause, (2) employees and brand benefit from socially driven programs and (3) causes can use the help. But there are important considerations when deciding what type of program best suites your business, how […]

Start Your Social Mission With 10% and a Recycling Bin–with Jill Fink
Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Click the player to listen to our conversation or right-click and save to download. For Jill Fink, it started with a desire for a neighborhood cafe, the application of her personal values to business and […]

Building an Online Destination for CSR: The Zoosa Chronicles–with Mike McGlade
A social mission is not a short-cut. Your business won’t get preferential treatment from suppliers, investors or consumers because it aims to do good. Not at first anyway. You need to deliver a service that people want (either a new product or one of exceptional quality) at prices that meet or undercut market rates. It’s […]

How to Use Giving as a Strategy for Your Small Business–With Maggie Keenan
Social mission is a business strategy that differentiates your company from competitors, drives customer loyalty and advocacy, draws and retains employees and saves you money. There’s a tendency for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs to think they can’t leverage this as a business strategy until they are bigger, richer or more known. But they’d be […]

Katrina Survivor Indonique Tea Reinvents Itself with a New Type of Capitalism–With George Constance
His first customer was a slim-legged exotic dancer from Bourbon Street. His second, a Catholic priest in clerics. Both came to George Cosntances’s Indonique Cafe to drink high-end teas. George and his wife Daya ran the Magazine Street cafe for 16 months until Katrina hit, emptying the city of people and molding stocked tea leaves. […]

How to Build an Effective Cause Marketing Program–With Joe Waters
Building on our new understanding of what cause marketing is (a partnership between a nonprofit and a for-profit for mutual profit) and how we can use it (point-of-sale, percentage-of-sale, licensing), cause marketing expert Joe Waters schools us in the tactics for running a successful cause marketing campaign, beginning with an important caveat: You’re not going to […]

One Entrepreneur’s Story of Building a Business for a Better World–With Joe Magee
PineMark is to you and me what LEED is to buildings: a certification of sustainability. PineMark founders Joe Magee and Lauren de los Santos are incentivizing and rewarding individuals for their green lifestyles and educating them along the way. I spoke with Joe, who shares a commonality with many entrepreneurs. He left his comfortable seat […]