When you stand for something, you’re not supposed to please everyone. The misstep of trying to please everybody comes when we don’t stand for something, when we lack an internal drumbeat stronger than the chatter of the crowd. Most people know that the clothing company Patagonia* gives money to myriad environmental organizations. Fewer people know […]

Doing Good Isn’t Always Hard: How iStock Made An Easy Segueway Into Micro-donations
Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Click the player below to listen or right-click and save for the MP3. I spoke with iStockphoto to learn how it lobbied for and justified its new micro-donations platform to give customers and employees an easy […]

This Is What Customers Want to Know About Your Cause Marketing Partnership
It turns out customers are paying a lot of attention to the tizzy of cause marketing campaigns surrounding them. In fact, they are underwhelmed with information. Cone’s 2010 Nonprofit Marketing Trend Tracker shows yet another reason to report on your campaign or program results–because customers care. Astoundingly, not even half of consumers think companies and nonprofits […]
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