How Do You Think I Can Make the Greatest Impact?

I have a plan to move me from where I am to where I want to be. I sketched it out in a park in Buenos Aires in the last few hours of 2009. I’ve stuck with the plan. Working late, struggling through writer’s block and self doubt I’ve written one blog post a day, […]

A Zen Buddhist Builds a Bakery to Hire the Hard-Up (and Makes it Work)–with Jonathan Greengrass

Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Click the player to listen to the interview or right-click and save to download the MP3. What do world-class brownies and hard-to-hire employees have in common? A bakery called Greyston. Greyston Bakery founder and Zen […]

The Simple Way that DISCOVER Enabled Giving to Haiti and Raised $3.1 M

It’s the simplest programs that drive action and results. Three days after Haiti was struck by the January 12 earthquake, Discover Card enacted a simple relief program that raised $3.1 million. Card members could contribute their cash back bonus points to the American Red Cross and Discover would convert this to dollars and match the donation. […]

Start Your Social Mission With 10% and a Recycling Bin–with Jill Fink

Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Click the player to listen to our conversation or right-click and save to download. For Jill Fink, it started with a desire for a neighborhood cafe, the application of her personal values to business and […]

Building an Online Destination for CSR: The Zoosa Chronicles–with Mike McGlade

A social mission is not a short-cut. Your business won’t get preferential treatment from suppliers, investors or consumers because it aims to do good. Not at first anyway. You need to deliver a service that people want (either a new product or one of exceptional quality) at prices that meet or undercut market rates. It’s […]

Have a Heart: Valentine’s Day Gifts that Give Back

The day of commercially induced amorous passion is nearly upon us. In addition to living a day of randiness and long-gazes, I’d like to suggest that we live a day of compassion. I happen to love Valentine’s Day, but I get an internal twitch from writing a post that encourages more consumption. He loves me, […]

How to Use Giving as a Strategy for Your Small Business–With Maggie Keenan

Social mission is a business strategy that differentiates your company from competitors, drives customer loyalty and advocacy, draws and retains employees and saves you money. There’s a tendency for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs to think they can’t leverage this as a business strategy until they are bigger, richer or more known. But they’d be […]

Katrina Survivor Indonique Tea Reinvents Itself with a New Type of Capitalism–With George Constance

His first customer was a slim-legged exotic dancer from Bourbon Street. His second, a Catholic priest in clerics. Both came to George Cosntances’s Indonique Cafe to drink high-end teas. George and his wife Daya ran the Magazine Street cafe for 16 months until Katrina hit, emptying the city of people and molding stocked tea leaves. […]

How to Build an Effective Cause Marketing Program–With Joe Waters

Building on our new understanding of what cause marketing is (a partnership between a nonprofit and a for-profit for mutual profit) and how we can use it (point-of-sale, percentage-of-sale, licensing), cause marketing expert Joe Waters schools us in the tactics for running a successful cause marketing campaign, beginning with an important caveat: You’re not going to […]

One Entrepreneur’s Story of Building a Business for a Better World–With Joe Magee

PineMark is to you and me what LEED is to buildings: a certification of sustainability. PineMark founders Joe Magee and Lauren de los Santos are incentivizing and rewarding individuals for their green lifestyles and educating them along the way. I spoke with Joe, who shares a commonality with many entrepreneurs. He left his comfortable seat […]