What Capitalism Can do for Do-Gooding Companies: B Corporation is Setting the Standard

Jay Coen Gilbert of B Lab, the non-profit that certifies and supports B Corporations, distinguishes between good companies versus good marketing, and how B Lab is supporting the broader social shift from green businesses to good businesses. What are B Corporations? B Corporations are a new kind of company that use the power of business […]

RecycleBank’s Secret Weapon to Get People Recycling

I spoke with Ron Gonen, co-founder and CEO of RecycleBank, to learn how he built one of the largest public-private partnerships that creates incentives for social good. RecycleBank is a reward program that motivates people to recycle by measuring the amount of material each home recycles and then converting that activity into RecycleBank points that […]

5 Ways to Create a Socially Responsible & Profitable Company

Recently, I had the opportunity to proselytize socially beneficial business models to a crowd of upstart entrepreneurs with varying levels of interest in social responsibility. I spoke with upstart entrepreneurs about five ways they can incorporate cause into their business, regardless of its size. Although the methods range in their levels of commitment and implementation […]

WeDrink’s New Type of Marketplace is No Ruse

Right click to download. Andrew Meredith and Daniel Ebner were frustrated by the global shortage of clean water and by the lack of transparency in their cause-related purchases–t-shirts or bottled water that advertised a charitable contribution without disclosing what that cut translates to in dollars and cents. From these two pain points, Meredith and Ebner […]

From Fast-food to Finance, Cause Marketing is a Still Growing Trend

Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Does it seem counter-intuitive that cause marketing programs are continuing to prosper in a pinched  economy? I talked with David Hessekiel, president and founder of Cause Marketing Forum, about why  cause-related marketing campaigns have a […]

This Blog Helps Sell BOGO Lights for SunNight Solar

Go Green Solar founder Deep Patel is a solar energy aficionado, social-good actor and reader of this blog. Patel recently spoke about a plan he’s developing, which would bedeck the Hollywood sign with solar panels to capitalize on the sign’s solar energy real estate and drive energy back into Los Angeles’ grid-tie system. As I […]

How to Turn Your Exercise Mileage into Dollars for Charity

Rubber meets road and sponsorship backs action at Plus 3 Network, a recently launched California company that allows companies to sponsor your fitness workout for charity.  Whether you run, bike, skate, swim or walk for exercise–or transportation–you can begin turning your steps, pedal rotations and swimming strokes into a campaign for a cause you care […]

Valentine’s Day Guide to Com(passionate) Giving

Please your Valentine and nurture the world with these sustainable, ethical, intentional and cruelty-free gift options. Fair Trade Wine. “Drink like you give a damn” says Etica, the United States’ top fair trade wine distributor. Etica’s producers in South Africa, Argentina and Chile are paid an honest wage for their work. Buying directly from local […]

“Yay” on Starbucks’ Social Corporate Responsibility

Starbucks’ latest act of social responsibility is offering a free cup of joe to anyone who pledges 5 hours of volunteer time during the five-day promotion. The coffee retailer joined with nonprofit HandsOn Network to support Barack Obama’s national call for service and encourage individuals to ‘create the change they wish to see.’ Last December, […]

3 Steps to Sustainable Change: Arzu Rugs Has it Right

I learned from my year in the Marshall Islands that paying market wages to artisans in developing countries, although a fundamental of economic justice, is only a partial solution to fostering true local economic growth. The Marshall Islands, like so many countries, is caught between a western monetary economy and its original self-sustaining system of […]