Are you letting me know why I should make a donation, sign a petition, cast a vote or buy what you’re selling? It’s an obvious statement, but one that’s not always executed on, despite perception. has faciliated more than $100 million in loans in a few short years. Really outstanding, except it could be […]
Tag Archives: Kiva

Poverty Alleviation at a Rate of 7: The Unitus Model
. . .. Microfinance hit hockey stick growth in the past few years in large part because: Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace prize in 2006 for providing credit to the poor with Grameen Bank; Kiva created a participatory platform that engaged Americans in micro-lending and financed $100 million worth of loans; and It’s mighty […]

Finance the World with Kiva
There’s a solid chance that readers here are familiar with Kiva. But just last week I realized a friend of mine who is hip to causes hadn’t received the proverbial memo. Kiva is the first person-to-person micro-lending website. The organization allows everyday Joes and Janes to lend to a specific entrepreneur in the developing world, […]