Archive by Author

Why Mission Should Be Your Primary Product

How to let your mission guide you: Your mission should guide your decisions, but sometimes you’ll have to prioritize long-term mission over short-term consequences as Organic Valley did when it shipped milk from Ohio to North Carolina to help farmers there start a local business. The short-term compromise was the environmental impact of shipping milk so […]

Campbell’s 3rd Generation CSR Strategies: 9 Points You Can Use

Dave Stangis, vice president of CSR for Campbell’s, recently spoke about third generation strategies for CSR and sustainability. Unlike past generations, which could be summed up with words like compliance and philanthropy, the mark of success for this generation will be cannibalization of the sector as CSR becomes integrated into a company’s functions just like human resources, finance or quality. Dave talked […]

Stay Out Of The Hallway and Other Tips From a Serial Conference-goer

We’ve heard from entrepreneurs before on this blog about the importance of building a network that can support and guide your social enterprise. While he was developing Energy Inside, Veer Gidwaney “networked pretty aggressively over a couple of years,” and Teju Ravilochan who co-founded the Unreasonable Institute “went to where the action was.” Conferences can […]

A New Shade of Cause Marketing: Reward Donors (and Convert Them To Consumers)

Imagine frequenting your local coffee or sandwich joint and receiving said item on your tenth visit. Imagine being rewarded with a free trip from Boulder to Boston after choosing Continental for 100,000 air miles worth of travel. Easy, these customer loyalty programs have been around for a while, working seemingly well for both high-margin and […]

Has McDonald’s Gone Walmart on Us?

McDonald’s just penetrated my prejudice-painted blinders to score some points.  Like Walmart before, McDonald’s was once my favorite company to malign. Animal cruelty, lousy work conditions, rainforest destruction, supplier coercion, detrimental marketing and obesity (yes, I think McDonald’s has a responsibility for the products they sell) were some top offenses. But McDonald’s has been systematically […]

The (Social) Entrepreneur’s Sentiment

“But who are you? What is this idea? It doesn’t fit any of the existing patterns because they were set up to serve the old idea…. “ This is Ashoka founder Bill Drayton’s description of a feeling often experience by social entrepreneurs, himself included.  I’m sharing it because it’s something you’ve probably felt, as have […]

How will what you want me to do change my life?

Are you letting me know why I should make a donation, sign a petition, cast a vote or buy what you’re selling?  It’s an obvious statement, but one that’s not always executed on, despite perception. has faciliated more than $100 million in loans in a few short years. Really outstanding, except it could be […]

The Best Kept Secret to Social Venture Funding?

Consider becoming certified as a B Corporation. If you’re looking for mission-aligned capital for an existing business, B Corp status will help, and if you’re looking for traditional investing, it won’t hurt. B Corporation certification signals to investors, consumers and employees that you are use business to solve social and environmental problems. For companies looking […]

Why Joie de Vivre Invests in Culture For The Most Bang For Its Bucks

The principle of the following story is so simple and effective that it’s a wonder we ever conjured up advertising to sell our wares. Take your largest and most expensive asset, your employees, and use it to build your business. During an interview last week with enlightened entrepreneur Chip Conley he mentioned that his company, […]

How To Grow Your Business By Giving Your Employees a Calling–with Chip Conley

When Chip Conley applied his interpretation of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to his hospitality company Joie de Vivre, he tripled its size when most of his competitors were going bankrupt in the post-9/11, Travelocity-frenzy years. Click the player to listen to my 20-minute conversation with Chip or right-click and save for the MP3. [Audio clip: view […]