‘Ethletics’ are Shoes with Ethics

I might as well rename this site “Socially Conscious Shoes,” given that this is my second post on footwear in as many days. But this product is good, so here I go. On the hunt for shoes that are fair trade? Eco-friendly? 100% vegan? Produced sweat-shop free? Autonomie Project specializes in Chucks-like sneakers that  are […]

Why Crocs are Worth a Second Look

No longer relegated to local niche companies, the Buy-One-Give-One (BOGO) practice has been adapted by a global retailer. Crocs, maker of the ubiquitous California shoe, has launched a BOGO program with a twist.  The campaign is called SolesUnited and this is how it works: donate any type of old Crocs and they’re ground up and […]

Reward Yourself (and Your Business will Profit)

Make it into a contest or promised prize. Everybody loves a goal. Companies know this as incentivizing, employees as a performance-based financial reward, and Burt’s Bees as the only way of doing business.  Burt’s Bees, a manufacturer of natural beauty products, believes that if companies are socially responsible, they will attract profit. Burt’s Bees gets […]

Pro Bono Work Grows Wings at Deloitte

As is common practice with large firms, Deloitte provides pro bono services to local communities. Employees of the consulting giant also volunteer their time and skills with area nonprofits. It’s a pretty good one-two punch as big-name corporate responsibility goes. Deloitte, however, saw opportunity to leverage a greater impact. Welcome philanthropy, in the form of […]

The Ground Between Gandhi and ‘Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous’

Altruistic work and good wages are not mutually exclusive. So why do I have to remind myself of this? Society is moving away from its make-money or make-a-difference view of the world but not fast enough. Social Edge offers up ways to align your financial and charitable needs until the day when the triple-bottom line […]

GoodSearch: “You search, we give”

I wasn’t planning this post. I was in the middle of another task when I glanced up at my Good Search search bar. Is Good Search blog-worthy, I wondered? Doesn’t everyone already know about it? Maybe so. I knew about Good Search for awhile but simple forgetfulness kept me away. So I installed a search […]

A Year’s Worth of Lunches? In the Bag!

It costs only 10 U.S. cents to buy a school lunch for a child in the developing world. The purchase of one FEED Bag ($59.95) will cover a child’s school meals for one year. Proceeds from the FEED Bag directly support the UN’s Food for Education activities, which use food aid to promote basic education […]

The BOGO Business

There’s a slow sprouting of Buy-One-Give-One businesses, where, for every product a consumer purchases, an identical product is donated to a person in need. We have Nick Negroponte’s One Laptop Per Child, TOMS Shoes and, my latest discovery, the BOGO Light by SunNight Solar. The BOGO Light generates clean LED light from rechargeable solar-powered batteries. […]

World of Good & eBay

Eighty-nine percent (89%) of the coveted chunk of American consumers ages 13-25 would switch from one brand to another connected to a ‘good cause’ if the products and prices were comparable (Cone Inc.). From the coffee counter to the clothing store, increasingly, product choices are being made with social responsibility in mind. E-commerce sites were […]

Fast Company Catches On

Fast Company.com just revamped its website. I went to check it out and was bowled over to see a category for Social Responsibility on the navigation bar at the top of the page. Prime real estate on a business site for a concept many consider unfeasible, faddish or rose-colored. The format is articles, forums, interviews […]