Recently, I had the opportunity to proselytize socially beneficial business models to a crowd of upstart entrepreneurs with varying levels of interest in social responsibility. I spoke with upstart entrepreneurs about five ways they can incorporate cause into their business, regardless of its size. Although the methods range in their levels of commitment and implementation […]

This Blog Helps Sell BOGO Lights for SunNight Solar
Go Green Solar founder Deep Patel is a solar energy aficionado, social-good actor and reader of this blog. Patel recently spoke about a plan he’s developing, which would bedeck the Hollywood sign with solar panels to capitalize on the sign’s solar energy real estate and drive energy back into Los Angeles’ grid-tie system. As I […]

The BOGO Business
There’s a slow sprouting of Buy-One-Give-One businesses, where, for every product a consumer purchases, an identical product is donated to a person in need. We have Nick Negroponte’s One Laptop Per Child, TOMS Shoes and, my latest discovery, the BOGO Light by SunNight Solar. The BOGO Light generates clean LED light from rechargeable solar-powered batteries. […]