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3 Tactics To Use Sustainability to Screw Your Competition

If you’re challenged by a boss, board or business partner who thinks sustainability is a luxury or a trend to revisit in three years, make the business case that doing environmental and social good means beating competitors. “It’s an imperative that your business start creating good, not just less harm,” says Seventh Generation co-founder Jeffrey […]

How Much Does a Business Need to Believe in Sustainability to Do It Well?

“If you’re pushing sustainability because you think it will enhance the company’s reputation, you’ll have a problem with authenticity, because they’ll be times when your reality doesn’t live up to your rhetoric. But if you’re into sustainability because you think it will drive innovation, then talking about it almost becomes irrelevant.”  –Hannah Joes, Nike’s sustainability […]

3 Things REI Should Do to Turn Its Social Programs Into a Social Mission

Dear REI, Your products are good, but you are missing a bit of edge. With you, I’m getting a durable jacket. With Patagonia, I’m getting a durable jacket and helping to save the planet. That’s how Patagonia makes me feel about their products. Pretty powerful, right?   The thing is, you are doing good work […]

Air Miles for Volunteering: Oxymoronic? Cause-washing? Genius!

In my view American Express should get a handshake for its new initiative, but many think a slap on the wrist is more deserving.  American Express is offering 500 points to members of its rewards program for every hour they volunteer. The program is capped at 10,000 points or 20 hours per year and volunteers must choose […]

Your Competitive Advantage Lies in Your Social Responsibility–with Seventh Generation’s Jeffrey Hollender

I started Cause Capitalism to convince you that having a social mission will help grow your business and to show you how. I want you (and me) to be able to create a sector-changing business like Jeffrey Hollender did with Seventh Generation. Long before it was fashionable, Jeffrey took toilet paper and dish detergent and […]

The Simple Way that DISCOVER Enabled Giving to Haiti and Raised $3.1 M

It’s the simplest programs that drive action and results. Three days after Haiti was struck by the January 12 earthquake, Discover Card enacted a simple relief program that raised $3.1 million. Card members could contribute their cash back bonus points to the American Red Cross and Discover would convert this to dollars and match the donation. […]

Why 84 Corporations Want More Rules to Follow

Last week 84 CEOs came together to write a letter pressing for more regulation in their own sector and sent it off to President Obama and the 535 members of Congress.  They asked for extensive climate and energy legislation to increase energy independence, decrease carbon emissions, create a new sector of jobs and encourage innovation. […]

When Did Good Business Behavior Become Optional?

I spend a good portion of each day talking and writing about the benefits of socially-driven business and showing companies how to take part, but I never took a step back to think about when this message became necessary. When did we have to modify capitalism with ‘Cause’ or ‘Conscious’ to mean a company that […]

‘What’s the Social Compensation Package?’ 5 Ways to Attract Talent Without the Checkbook

Employee compensation packages are dropping in financial value–but this time, it’s not because of the recession alone. From MBAs to college graduates, potential employees are looking for more than stock options and dental care from their employers. In “Saving the World at Work” Tim Sanders calls this “Social Compensation–the purpose that comes with the paycheck.” […]

Do This If You Want to Be a Better Leader

To increase your leadership clout, put down your 360° feedback report and be socially responsible. There is a distinct link between being perceived as a good manager or leader and practicing social responsibility. Sirota Survey Intelligence asked 1.6 million employees from more than 70 organizations about senior management’s integrity, empathy and effectiveness and found a […]