7:40 pm •
Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Involvement, SRI, Trends •
by admin
Employee compensation packages are dropping in financial value–but this time, it’s not because of the recession alone. From MBAs to college graduates, potential employees are looking for more than stock options and dental care from their employers. In “Saving the World at Work” Tim Sanders calls this “Social Compensation–the purpose that comes with the paycheck.” […]
4:14 pm •
Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility, Trends •
by admin
To increase your leadership clout, put down your 360° feedback report and be socially responsible. There is a distinct link between being perceived as a good manager or leader and practicing social responsibility. Sirota Survey Intelligence asked 1.6 million employees from more than 70 organizations about senior management’s integrity, empathy and effectiveness and found a […]
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7:00 am •
Categories: Commercial & Nonprofit Partnerships, Corporate Social Responsibility, Trends •
by admin
Nearly every day I excitedly read another report or article citing the benefits–many of them financial–of corporate social responsibility and socially driven business. I smile and compile and try to digest these percents and survey populations and geographic-specific findings. IBM and OgilvyEarth harvest invaluable information* that shapes thought and work for many of us. Putting […]
6:23 pm •
Categories: Corporate Social Responsibility, Trends •
by admin
Yes, corporate social responsibility (CSR ) has existed in some forms for decades, but many companies are attempting it for the first time or taking on more audacious programs. As they venture, they sometimes fail, but if they share their mistakes with others, they help others avoid similar pitfalls and, studies indicate, gain consumer confidence. […]
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4:25 pm •
Categories: Cause Marketing, Consumer Behavior •
by admin
AT&T’s commercial featuring TOMS Shoes was so publicly enjoyed that AT&T introduced a 60-second version of its 30-second spot. The commercial profiles TOMS Shoes–a for-profit company that donates one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased–and founder Blake Mycoskie who uses his AT&T Blackberry to conduct business from around the […]
9:03 pm •
Categories: Trends •
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What can U.S.-based businesses learn from Asian corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs? A lot and a little at the same time. My view is that businesses engaging in CSR at home and overseas face the same fundamental issues, with varying secondary issues (like governance, specific consumer behavior or local environmental standards). So I’m turning to […]
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11:03 pm •
Categories: Consumer Behavior, Events, Trends •
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Working with the concept of large-scale applicability, here are the top 10 things I learned at the Sustainable Brands conference earlier this month in Monterey: 1. Consumers trust brands more than they trust the government. (Annie Longsworth, Managing Director, Cohn & Wolfe) Republicans and Democrats meet at the checkout. Brands have a colossal toolkit to […]
7:49 pm •
Categories: Cause Marketing, Commercial & Nonprofit Partnerships, Consumer Behavior, Interviews, Podcast •
by admin
Get the Google Audio Widget widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) Does it seem counter-intuitive that cause marketing programs are continuing to prosper in a pinched economy? I talked with David Hessekiel, president and founder of Cause Marketing Forum, about why cause-related marketing campaigns have a […]
6:05 pm •
Categories: Consumer Behavior •
by admin
Teddy Roosevelt advised talking softly and carrying a big stick. Carrotmob believes there are enough sticks, and urges individuals to pick up carrots–from responsible purveyors. Carrotmob is still crystallizing, but here’s the premise: Improve the world by helping businesses make environmentally conscious choices through a system of rewards. Too frequently companies earn profit my making […]
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5:45 pm •
Categories: Business Models, Businesses, Consumer Behavior, Employee Involvement, Interviews, Podcast •
by admin
I spoke with Denise Cerreta, founder of One World Everybody Eats,to find out how she developed her model for a community kitchen, how she plans to scale it internationally and what other businesses can do create a company that gives back. What are One World Everybody Eats’ primary objectives? Eliminate world hunger. Feed and include […]
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