“If you’re not scared by what you’re revealing, than you’re not being transparent enough” –Jeffrey Hollender, Seventh Generation If real transparency is scary, why create it? Like with most things that bring real value (and take real effort), there are several benefits of having a glass-walled company. A note before the benefits: transparency isn’t a […]

This Is What Customers Want to Know About Your Cause Marketing Partnership
It turns out customers are paying a lot of attention to the tizzy of cause marketing campaigns surrounding them. In fact, they are underwhelmed with information. Cone’s 2010 Nonprofit Marketing Trend Tracker shows yet another reason to report on your campaign or program results–because customers care. Astoundingly, not even half of consumers think companies and nonprofits […]

How Doing Good and Belly Fat Ads Relate–with Faisal Sethi
Doing nothing changes everything. It’s a bit hyperbolic admits Faisal Sethi, but it gets people thinking about how they can leverage their regular actions and routines for good. Sethi is the co-founder of DoGood Headquarters, a new startup out of Ottawa. DoGood Headquarters is virtual factory of online solutions that have a social impact in […]

13 Benefits You Can Count on if You’re a Company with a Social Mission
Most people think that a social mission* is a money drain on a business. Conversely, I’ve found that it helps a company grow. Here are 13 ways that your business can profit from integrating a social mission. People will talk: consumers, competitors, investors, suppliers and the press. Employee morale goes up. People like to work for […]

Interview with One World Cafe Visionary
I spoke with Denise Cerreta, founder of One World Everybody Eats,to find out how she developed her model for a community kitchen, how she plans to scale it internationally and what other businesses can do create a company that gives back. What are One World Everybody Eats’ primary objectives? Eliminate world hunger. Feed and include […]

Voluntary Pricing Generates Change & Profits
UPDATE: I’ll be interviewing Denise Cerreta on Monday. Check back next week to hear about her experiences with One World Cafe. There are no prices or fixed menus at One World Cafe in Salt Lake City, Utah. Customers choose their portion sizes and pay what they deem fit. The “community kitchen” is One World Cafe’s […]